Step 1. Information Gathering
The first step in designing a successful web site is to gather information. Many things need to be taken into consideration when the look and feel of your site is created.
This step is to understand what your business goals and dreams are, and how the web can be utilized to help you achieve those goals.
It is important that we start by asking a lot of questions to help us understand your business and your needs in a web site.
Things to Consider
What is the purpose of the web site? Do you want to provide information, promote a service, sell a product or have more of a brochure type of site?
What do you hope to accomplish by building this web site? We will review short-term and long-term goals.
Target Audience
Who is the audience for your website? Is it a niche group of people or a broader consumer reach or is it business-to-business? ? And, do you have multiple types of customers or audience types or just one?
What kind of information will the target audience be looking for on your site? Are they looking for specific information, news, articles, resources, a particular product or service, online ordering or otherwise?
Reference Sites
A list of links for competitors, partners and industry watch groups or associations helps in understanding the tone and aura of a market.
Existing Materials
A review of current materials provides a baseline for understanding the company, group or individual and current positioning. Items like: website, logo or branding completed, brochures, company / product presentations, or anything related are beneficial
Design Preferences
Any examples of other company websites or brochures from any industry that you like as examples around colors, layouts, simplicity or details, etc.
Content Management
What level of content management would you like to have?? Do you prefer to update the site yourself or will you have someone manage it for you? What type of content would you like to be able to update – such as news, events, blogs? Will you require training for these and/or tutorials?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Is ranking in Google important to you?
Google Analytics
Do you want to access statistics around visitors to your website?
What is your budget? Depending on budget and timeframe, your goals can also be realized in manageable phases.
Plan Launch Date
Discuss timing for website planning, content and going live.