Who We Are & What We Do


We use the latest design trends to ensure your website is modernized. We go the extra mile to be sure that that your website matches your expectations, requirements and design preferences. We additionally take time to understand the market or industry you are in (ecosystem) to make sure the site is well positioned and sets the standard in the space you work in and with the customers, partners and visitors you target.

Our web design includes best practices for website interaction, such as:

  • Bringing focus to content by using elements to catch the eyes as well as space to direct the reader to important elements your web site communicates or key actions the reader could take.
  • Give clear indication of interactive elements and hover effects which allow users to intuitively feel elements that are interactive on a page (like font color change when you roll-over).

Coding development involves writing valid XHTML / CSS / PHP code that complies with current web standards, maximizing functionality, as well as accessibility for as large an audience as possible, on all devices. We will make sure that your website is beautiful on the web, phone and tablet. Good coding is also very important for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Along with WordPress, we will use many different technologies to build your site, where applicable:


  • CSS

  • PHP

  • JavaScript

  • WordPress plugins: that add needed functionalities to a website such as a calendar or subscription to a newsletter

  • 100% Mobile tested

Understanding a client’s requirements, the market and expectations
We take time to understand a client’s offering, competitors and market environment.  This analysis is important to know how today’s current pitch (or story) is told vs. what it could or should be to bring increased value. Our ability to quickly assess these elements and make recommendations for design, messaging, strategy and content allow us to create targeted go-to-market tools. The level of analysis required varies from project to project to ensure we grasp overall project goals for successful delivery that allows us to propose a strategy and a plan to see it come to life.

Following the established strategy and plan, we will develop the content with you: key messages, text, images, and multimedia.

Writing for the web is different from writing for printed publications. We can help you to adapt your content to the web, develop it for you, or we can provide you with guidelines in content development.

We will use a staging area to develop the website before launching it (meaning it is not viewable to the general public). The in-progress web site will be available to you for viewing, so that you can suggest any additional changes or corrections you would like to have done.

For additional information, see Development of a Website

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