Elephant partners with clients to explore the best options for a given project to meet short and long-term goals.

Who we are

Since 2000, Elephant offers analysis, strategy and development services to companies and organizations looking to differentiate themselves with clear messages, concise branding, a strong web presence and go-to-market tools.

We work in the domains of Health Care, Corporate, Non-Profit Organizations and Culture/Arts.

Our philosophy

Your website should communicate the unique qualities and strengths of your organization in such a way that the audience feels drawn in and they want to know more. We build sites that position your brand and message in a clear, concise, easy to navigate way using the best tools and practices in the industry.

Why the name Elephant ?

Elephant, the ever gentle and wise animal, exemplifies focused power and strength.

Just hearing the word ‘elephant’ evokes power, honor, stability, patience. In places where they live, the elephant is a symbol used to bring luck, fertility, protection and is thought of as a blessing upon all new projects.

But beyond that, we simply love elephants!

Elephant Gifts: painting by f guyaux